april 22: make it large

think about it

You cannot think of prayer so large that God, in answering it, will not wish that you had made it larger. Pray not for crutches, but for wings! (Phillips Brooks)

back it up with bible

John 16:24: Hitherto have ye asked nothing in My name; ask and ye shall receive that your joy may be full.
Philippians 4:19: God shall supply all your need according to His riches.
Psalms.24:1: The earth is the Lord's, & the fullness thereof.
John 5:14-15: And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He heareth us: And if we know that He hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.

core christianity

Alexander the Great had a famous but indigent (needy, poor) philosopher in his court. This adept in science was once particularly straightened in his circumstances. To whom should he apply but to his patron, the conqueror of the world? His request was no sooner made than granted. Alexander gave him a commission to receive of his treasury whatever he wanted. He immediately demanded in his sovereign’s name ten thousand pounds. The treasurer, surprised at so large a demand, refused to comply, but waited upon the king and represented to him the affair, adding withal how unreasonable he thought the petition and how exorbitant the sum.
Alexander listened with patience, but as soon as he heard the remonstrance, replied, “Let the money be instantly paid. I am delighted with this philosopher’s way of thinking; he has done me a singular honor; by the largeness of his request he shows the high idea he has conceived both of my superior wealth and my royal munificence.”
Saints have never yet reached the limit to the possibilities of prayer. Whatever has been attained or achieved has touched but the fringe of the garment of a prayer-hearing God. We honor the riches both of His power and love only by large demands. (Dr. A.T. Pierson)

Thou art coming to a King,
Large petitions with thee bring;
For His grace & power are such,
None can ever ask too much!

previously published

(Jesus speaking:) Prayer--it's so easy to get familiar with that word and to take it for granted! You often forget the magic lamp you hold in your hand, which when rubbed in desperation and earnest supplication produces My Holy Spirit Genie that can go anywhere, materialize any needs, defeat any enemies, bestow any virtues--answer any request that you ask in faith!
 Prayer for your loved ones is as a magic carpet that can whisk you away to their sides as they fight long and hard in battle. Prayer can place in your hand a magical sword so powerful that it makes the foe tremble and shake. Prayer can fit you out with impenetrable armor as you fight to extinguish the lies of the Enemy.
Prayer is what you make it. Prayer, through your faith, rises to the occasion. Prayer is a signal to Me that I am still your King. Full-of-faith prayer fills My heart with joy, as you bring before Me large petitions and thus honor Me.
If you're getting familiar with that word--prayer--then ask Me for a different label! Call it "tapping into the resources time." Or you can say, "Shall we take a trip to the Heavenly treasure house today?" My Spirit is so alive, ever-new and full of wonder, that there is no need to become stuck in a rut! Give this awesome tool a new handle and you may just find your perspective changing and being revived again. (When You Pray, Things Happen!)

The Lord leaves a lot up to us: If we stir ourselves then God will stir Himself. An awful lot depends on us, our faith and our prayers and what we want done. A lot of people have sort of a lazy attitude and seem to think the Lord will do it all no matter what.--But the truth of the matter is, a lot depends on us. (Prayer Power!)

(Jesus:) When you work with Me as your partner on the job, you're working with the most multitalented, multitasking partner in the universe. And I truly can do anything and everything! Tell Me specifically what you want to see done, and leave it with Me. (Prayer Drive 2007)

When you're strong in the Spirit, God will do anything for you! You're one with Him, & when this happens you can command Him to do anything. (MOP)

make it personal

Lord, is there anything that is standing in the way of me having the kind of faith that will ask You for big miracles? How can I stretch my faith muscles in this area?