april 25: satisfaction guaranteed

think about it

God is so good that He only awaits our desire to overwhelm us with the gift of Himself. Francois Fenelon

back it up with bible

Psalms 107:9 For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.
Psalms 145:16 Thou openest thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.
Psalms 42:1,2 As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after Thee, O God. My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?
Psalms 73:25,26 Whom have I in Heaven but Thee? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides Thee. My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever.

core christianity

“It is not in me” (Job 28:14).
I remember a summer in which I said, “It is the ocean I need,” and I went to the ocean; but it seemed to say, “It is not in me!” The ocean did not do for me what I thought it would. Then I said, “The mountains will rest me,” and I went to the mountains, and when I awoke in the morning there stood the grand mountain that I had wanted so much to see; but it said, “It is not in me!” It did not satisfy. Ah! I needed the ocean of His love, and the high mountains of His truth within. It was wisdom that the “depths” said they did not contain, and that could not be compared with jewels or gold or precious stones. Christ is wisdom and our deepest need. Our restlessness within can only be met by the revelation of His eternal friendship and love for us. (Margaret Bottome)

I have found no satisfaction in the fleeting joys of Earth,
I have built me broken cisterns that have mocked me by their dearth.
Every spring my soul has tested failed to meet my deepest need,
CHRIST ALONE has filled my longing, HE has satisfied indeed!
Christ is NOT a disappointment! Every longing in my breast
Finds in HIM complete fulfillment; HE has brought me into rest!
I have tested Him & proved Him more than all I’d dreamed He’d be!
Christ is NOT a disappointment, He is ALL in ALL to me!”

previously published

For although the body is of this Earth, earthy & satisfied with the things of this Earth, the human spirit, that intangible personality of the real you that dwells in that body, can never be completely satisfied with anything but utter union with the great & loving Spirit that created it. (David B. Berg)

I wish for you to retain Me in your thoughts at every moment, talking with Me throughout the day, keeping Me abreast of what is happening in your life, in your heart, and in your mind. I am your best Friend, and the time you must spend with Me supersedes and overrides the time you spend with others. I wish to give you all things, but nothing can be built upon any other foundation than that which is Christ Jesus.
I have created the vacuum in your heart to be stronger, the void to be greater. If you do not fill the vacuum and the void with My love and My satisfaction and desire, you will be spent and left dry. For your heart and your soul pant for Me; your spirit cries out for Me. You must take the time, set it aside, fill the void, satisfy the vacuum, quench the thirst. I am the Great Satisfier. (From Jesus with Love 1)

When you have a question, I will answer. When you are undecided, I will give a clear indication. I will be a red light when you need to stop, a green light when you need to go ahead, and a yellow light when you need to proceed with caution. I am your light in darkness to give you hope. I am your darkness in the day to hide you from your enemies. I am your armor to protect you. I am your force field against all harm. I am your blanket for warmth, and your cool breeze in the heat of the day. I am a word fitly spoken for every occasion. I am your medicine for every illness. I am your bed where you can rest and be restored. I am the quiet chamber where the stillness will whisper her secrets in your ear. I am the garden where you will find fellowship. I am the rose whose fragrance brings a soothing calm to your spirit. I am the dewy early morning where time stops while we share heart to heart. I am the sunset that warms and satisfies your heart with its eternal majestic glow. I am the tide with its faithful and cleansing rolling waves lapping on the shores of your life. (From Jesus with Love 2)

make it personal

Jesus, I want to find more of my joy and satisfaction in spending time with you, loving you, and pleasing you. I want to come to You more, be with You more, spend more of my time with You. I want to be satisfied by You! You are the only One who can satisfy.