may 7: to change or not to change

think about it
Keep changing. When you’re through changing, you’re through. (Bruce Fairfield Barton)

back it up with bible
Psalms 55:19 Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God.
Matthew 9:17 Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
James 4:14,15 Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that.
Luke 1:38b Be it unto me according to Thy Word.

core christianity
To Change or Not to Change
You’ve undoubtedly read about Swiss watchmakers who, for many years, dominated the world market for watchmaking. “The Swiss made the best watches in the world and were committed to constant refinement of their expertise. It was the Swiss who came forward with the minute hand and the second hand. They led the world in discovering better ways to manufacture the gears, bearings, and mainsprings of watches. They even led the way in waterproofing techniques and self-winding models. By 1968, the Swiss made 65 percent of all watches sold in the world and laid claim to as much as 90 percent of the profits. By 1980, however, they had laid off thousands of watch-makers and controlled less than 10 percent of the world market. Their profit domination dropped to less than 20 percent. Between 1979 and 1981, fifty thousand of the sixty-two thousand Swiss watchmakers lost their jobs. Why? The Swiss had refused to consider a new development—the development of the digital watch. Years ago when I was a director of a youth organization and started changing our method of reaching teens with the gospel, I was told that my methods weren’t acceptable. I was given an ultimatum—either I stayed with the “accepted ways” of doing things or get out. I chose the latter. And that’s how and why ACTS International was founded. (To be perfectly honest I would never have had the courage to start my own organization had I not been “pushed out” of the one I was with.) For the next three decades I majored in publishing outreach literature which has been distributed to more than 40 million people around the world—and is still being distributed by our offices in Australia and, until recently, in New Zealand. However, here in North America, with the revolution of electronic communications via E-mail and the Internet, had I not been willing to change my methodology once again, my work here would be dead. I haven’t changed the message—just changed the way of communicating it. Let us learn a lesson from  the Swiss watchmakers. If we need to change our methods to be more effective in what we are doing, let’s be willing to make and implement the necessary changes. (Richard Innes)

previously published 
(Jesus:) The difference between success and failure hinges on willingness to change. Flexibility and openness to the new, looking for ways to improve and to do things better and more efficiently, even if it means doing them differently, will guarantee your success in the Mission. Willingness to make the investments and sacrifices that come with change, accepting the learning curve, and having the humility to grow, is part of the price of success. What is success in the Mission worth to you? (The Starting Point—Building Change on a
Solid Foundation)

(Jesus speaking:) Change is a word of tremendous power! Change affects every sphere of the Earth and the Heavens, and is, in great part, the driving force behind all things. Almost everything that is a great accomplishment, a forward advancement, a noble achievement, is a product of change. Those who have launched out to do new things, to experiment, to remedy problems, to find solutions, to pioneer, to achieve the impossible, to take great strides for mankind, have all been embracers of the word “change.” How is it then that so many dread change when it comes to their personal lives? Yes, change is difficult and can be a battle. People can even change for the worse rather than the better. But in this case I am speaking of change in its true sense, the purpose for which the word change and its power was created-as a tool for any man, woman or child to take ahold of their life, heart, mind, soul and spirit and cause an effect, to make a difference, to help another, to better themselves, to allow Me to bring about forward motion, movement and progress through them. That is the root of the word change. I have given change to all My children through the ages as a special gift…You don’t have to be satisfied with the way you are, the way you think, or the way you feel. You can change things! You can change anything, with My help! Your weaknesses can be strengthened, your faith can grow, your spirit can soar, your endurance can be prolonged-anything you wish is possible with the gift of change. And this gift is given to all. There’s not one person on this Earth, saved or unsaved, who can’t take ahold of the gift of change and change something in their life or world for the better. Those who are able to rest their lives in My hands see more change than those who try to hold on to themselves, to keep themselves safe and secure and free from change. Those who let go and who fling their arms wide open in wild abandonment of self are the ones who see great change-mental change, emotional change, physical change-changes manifested in many physical ways, through healing, happi?ness, health, love, natural enjoyment, trust, confidence, assurance, peace, delight, joy, laughter, company of friends, fulfillment, satisfaction, and on the list goes! Change is not an easy road, but it is a road of great reward. There’s hardly a greater joy than to see a beautiful change in someone’s heart and life, to see the manifestation of such a powerful miracle.
It’s not what they’ve done, or what I alone have done, but what we have done together-a teamwork and close partnership of one who yields to his or her Master, and the Master who gives them a gift. They then take the gift and utilize it, and reap the blessings and benefits. (Changing Deeply Ingrained Habits And Mindsets)

make it personal

Help me to keep You always before me, Jesus. I know that when I do, then I can have the security that no matter what, You are in control and You have a greater and better plan. Help me to never settle down in spirit, but to remain open and changing and growing for You!