may 9: think heaven

think about it
The early Christians were so much in that other world that nothing which happened to them in this one seemed very important. (Hannah Hurnard)

back it up with bible
Colossians 3:2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth
Revelations 1:2 And I John saw the Holy City, New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of Heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband
John 14:2,3 In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
Psalms 121:1,2 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made Heaven and earth.

core christianity
Think Heaven

When I lose my cell phone, I will get another phone and dial my number in an attempt to find it, hoping it is not on mute. Then when I hear it ringing somewhere, I will go on a search to find it. It is a single-minded, active, and diligent investigation. That is what the
apostle Paul was speaking of when he wrote, “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth” (Colossians 3:2). That is how we should be looking at heaven.
Another way to translate this verse is, “Think heaven.” In the original language, the verb is in the present tense, which could be translated, “Keep seeking heaven.” So to put it all together, the apostle Paul was saying, “Constantly keep seeking and thinking about heaven.”
So how can we be thinking about heaven? What is our point of reference? The problem is that we have a caricatured version of heaven in mind. We are not going to sit around on fluffy, white clouds, spending eternity in boredom. The Bible has a lot to specifically say about heaven.
Even though our feet must be on earth, our minds should be in heaven. Yet many of us will go through a day, even a week, without a single thought of heaven. As Warren Wiersbe said, “For the Christian, heaven isn’t a simply a destination; it’s a motivation.” (Greg Laurie)

previously published
(Jesus:) The heavenly vision is My vision--it’s what I want to see happen in this world that I have created; it’s the vision I have for the Family, the vision of all that I wish for you to accomplish; and it’s the vision and goal that I have for you personally as well--My vision for your life.
When I ask you to “keep the heavenly vision,” I am in essence asking you to place My vision before you and to aim for and remind yourself of My goals and My ultimate plan. Unlike looking through a telescope and seeing a magnified image of a vision far, far away, My heavenly vision is like stepping into a planetarium and looking up to see the colossal, limitless, magnified realities of outer space.
To keep the heavenly vision means to focus on Me above all. It means to put the things of the spirit before the things of the flesh. It means reminding yourself of My purpose for your life, why you were created, and why I sent you to Earth. It means reminding yourself why I took on human form and suffered and died for you so that I could redeem you, understand you, and forever forgive and heal and protect you.
It means putting the Word first in your life and believing and acting on its truth. It means stepping into the temple with Me for daily, quality focus and feeding. It means using My weapons and applying My promises no matter how you feel or what your physical surroundings are like.
It means looking to Me and refusing to give up. The essence of keeping the heavenly vision [is] keeping your eyes focused on Me. (Xn 098)

So in this coming year if you’re tempted to be discouraged or get down, to feel like it’s just too much, that maybe you’ve reached the end of your rope and you’ve just battled too long, and you’re weary…then remember that it’s the Heavenly vision that will give you strength! It’s the Heavenly vision that will bring back that spark and that inspiration, that will refresh your spirit! All of these are ways that you can keep your eyes on the Heavenly vision, that you can be reminded of My love and My presence and My constant care in your life. Heaven is My love! Heaven is My Word! Heaven is your home and your precious brethren…and the supply of all your needs. All of this is part of Heaven! Heaven isn’t just the end of the road; it isn’t just when you finally finish the job here on this Earth and we’re together in the Heavenly Kingdom--that’s just part of Heaven. Do you think that I would keep something as wonderful as Heaven all to Myself, all that time, and not share it with you?! Oh, no! I like to give you Heaven every day, every moment! It’s part of My love gift to you, My precious brides, because you please Me so. Because you’ve given Me everything and all that My heart desires, I give you Heaven in return--not just in the future, but today! Now, this very moment, I hand you Heaven! (The Year of the Bottom Line!)

make it personal
Please tell me something about Heaven and my future life there that can help to motivate and encourage me to do my very best for you during my time here on Earth.